An 80 year old dude is given a jar to provide a sperm sample at the doctors. he turns up two days later with an empty jar
The nurse asks 'why no sperm sample?'
He says: 'sorry, i tried with my right hand,then with my left!!.. then the wife tried with both hands!.. then her mouth, 1st with teeth then without teeth, then we got Ethel from next door to have a bash, but it was no good, we just cant get the finguck jar open.
The nurse asks 'why no sperm sample?'
He says: 'sorry, i tried with my right hand,then with my left!!.. then the wife tried with both hands!.. then her mouth, 1st with teeth then without teeth, then we got Ethel from next door to have a bash, but it was no good, we just cant get the finguck jar open.