westhamonkey Sun 29 Dec 2019, 9:59 pm
well it's a done deal now... so no more wondering what might be... there's no way to comment on the offish and there's way too many posts on the social media announcements so I'm going to do it here...
you useless bunch of fupping cunts... this is perhaps the most inept, lacking-in-imagination, backwards, fupping mind-numbingly stupid appointment in the club's history.
This is re-signing Carlton Cole level fupping stupidity.
Do they not remember how mind-fuckingly shit we are under Moyes? The guy hasn't even had a job since we got rid of him... that's right... NO ONE IN FOOTBALL wanted him... AT ALL!!!!!
Look at all the clubs who have hired new managers since we went down the shitter at Oxford... Spurs, Arsenal, Everton... to name but three... ALL of those managers were available when it was clear to anyone that we needed a new manager... so what do the board do?
fupping hell... this is about as big a "fupp you" to the club, the fans, the players as you could possibly imagine.
I gave the Board the benefit of the doubt when we had all those protests a few years ago, I gave them the benefit of the doubt when they sold Upton Park out from under us.
I'm done. I can't stop supporting the club... I wish to fupp I could. I have no desire to celebrate or support this bunch of absolute arseholes one moment longer.
But I'm a West Ham fan, I was before they came along and will be once they've fucked off - which they now can't do quickly enough.
I haven't been this angry in a long, long time.
fupp the Board. fupp each and every one of them. Get them out of West Ham ASAP.